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The platform dedicated to

flat sharing

that supports you in the best possible way, and that corresponds to your desire for a better housing coupled with a a better way of living together, whatever your profile and/or situation.

Coloc-Actions, a network of experts in the field to help you flatsharing and shared housing.

Coloc-Action - Shared flats and accommodation

Parliament's first day of reflection
of the Brussels-Capital Region

Shared flats and accommodation:
towards a better way of living together in Brussels

How to optimise your quality of life while protecting your purchasing power

It was a very fruitful day, with many people involved in shared accommodation and shared housing sharing their knowledge and expertise in this vast and interesting field of "better living together".

What we propose

Legal /

types of tenancy, cohabitant/single occupancy rates, registration/domiciliation, etc.

Financial /

share of rent, share of service charges, share of joint expenses, etc.

Practical /

fitting out, moving house, furnishing...

Social /

in the creation and dynamics of the group, in the relationship between the flatmates and the landlord, in matching between flatmates, etc.

Our view of the world of shared accommodation


La flat sharing where the individual's main aim is to find accommodationBut they don't necessarily have to take part in group life. The flatmate is taking a more individualistic approach.


La flat sharing with the specific aim of accommodating one or more individuals Socio-economically vulnerable while benefiting from social support institutional (public authorities, associations).

In solidarity

La flat sharing which is unique in that it brings together individuals whose profile is complementary (intergenerational, workers/recipients of benefits or social assistance, single-parent families/couples, etc.). Mutual support is the driving force of this type of shared accommodation.


La flat sharing where all the individuals are involved in a single federating project or directed towards one or more common interests. Everyone is actively involved in the life of the group.


Fair for Questions

What is shared accommodation?

Shared accommodation is a housing option where several people share the same home.

Each flatmate has a private room and shares the common areas with the other residents of the house, such as the kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc.

How do I find a flat-share?

There are several ways to find a flat-share, including online ads, social networks, estate agents, forums, word-of-mouth, newspapers, etc.

What are the advantages of sharing?

Shared accommodation allows you to share accommodation costs, pool certain expenses (maintenance, Internet, etc.), live in a community, make friends from a wide range of backgrounds, share household chores, enjoy more space and even certain areas that you wouldn't be able to have on your own (garden, terrace, workshop, office, store room, swimming pool, etc.).

The disadvantages of sharing can include a lack of privacy, conflicts with other housemates, differences in lifestyle and culture, and noise problems if the rules of communal living are not properly respected.

How are charges shared out?

How charges are shared depends on the rules agreed between the tenants.
Charges may be divided equally or according to the use of the space allocated to each flatmate.

What is it like living with people you don't know?

Living with people you don't know can be difficult at first, but will be made easier by respecting each other from the outset; it's also important to communicate clearly and simply and to respect the rules of community life to avoid conflict. Getting to know and appreciate each other is a learning process, however, and can take time.

Listening to you for many years

In this area of living together betterwe at Coloc-ActionsSo we've come up with a unifying project that covers all the possibilities of shared living and is obviously aimed at you. flatmate but also to all partners - public authorities, private owners, associations, companies - who will be able to co-construct this sketch and the turn it into a concrete, achievable project.

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